
时间:2023-03-24 01:53:39 来源:bet356体育官方网站




20197至今 bet356体育官方网站 讲师













1. Zhengnan Yan#, Jie Cheng#, Ze Wan, Beibei Wang, Duo Lin, Yanjie Yang*. Prediction model of pumpkin rootstock seedlings based on temperature and light responses. Agronomy, 2023.

2. Zhengnan Yan, Long Wang, Jie Cheng, Duo Lin, Yanjie Yang*. Morphology, growth, and physiological traits of greenhouse cucumber seedlings as affected by supplementary white and blue LEDs. Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2022.

3. Zhengnan Yan#, Chunling Wang#, Long Wang, Xin Li, Guanjie Wang, Yanjie Yang*. The combinations of white, blue, and UV-A light provided by supplementary light-emitting diodes promoted the quality of greenhouse-grown cucumber seedlings. Agriculture, 2022.

4. Geng Zhang#, Zhixin Li#, Jie Cheng#, Xianfeng Cai, Fei Cheng, Yanjie Yang, Zhengnan Yan*. Morphological and physiological traits of greenhouse-grown tomato seedlings as influenced by supplemental white plus red versus red plus blue LEDs. Agronomy, 2022.

5. Zhengnan Yan, Tong Ma, Shaoxia Guo, Runjin Liu, Min Li*. Leaf anatomy, photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence of lettuce as influenced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under high temperature stress. Sci. Hortic., 2021.

6. Zhengnan Yan#, Long Wang#, Yifei Wang, Yangyang Chu, Duo Lin, Yanjie Yang*. Morphological and physiological properties of greenhouse-grown cucumber seedlings as influenced by supplementary light-emitting diodes with same daily light integral. Horticulturae, 2021.

7. Yifei Wang#, Yangyang Chu#, Ze Wan#, Geng Zhang, Lei Liu, Zhengnan Yan*. Root architecture, growth and photon yield of cucumber seedlings as influenced by daily light integral at different stages in the closed transplant production system. Horticulturae, 2021.

8. Zhengnan Yan#, Long Wang#, Jiaxi Dai, Yufeng Liu, Duo Lin, Yanjie Yang*. Morphological and physiological responses of cucumber seedlings to different combinations of light intensity and photoperiod with the same daily light integral. HortScience, 2021.

9. Zhengnan Yan, Dongxian He*, Genhua Niu, Qing Zhou, Yinghua Qu. Growth, nutritional quality, and energy use efficiency in two lettuce cultivars as influenced by white plus red versus red plus blue LEDs. Int. J. Agric & Biol. Eng., 2020.

10. Zhengnan Yan, Dongxian He*, Genhua Niu, Qing Zhou, Yinghua Qu. Growth, nutritional quality and energy use efficiency of hydroponic lettuce as influenced by daily light integrals exposed to white versus white plus red light-emitting diodes. HortScience, 2019.

11. Zhengnan Yan, Dongxian He*, Genhua Niu, Hao Zhai. Evaluation of growth and quality of hydroponic lettuce at harvest as affected by the light intensity, photoperiod and light quality at seedling stage. Sci. Hortic., 2019.

12. Dongxian He*, Zhengnan Yan, Xuan Sun, Po Yang. Leaf development and energy yield of hydroponic sweetpotato seedlings using single-node cutting as influenced by light intensity and LED spectrum. J. Plant Physiol. 2020.

13. Khurshied Ahmed Khan, Zhengnan Yan, Dongxian He*. Impact of light intensity and nitrogen of nutrient solution on nitrate content in three lettuce cultivars prior to harvest. J. Agri. Science. 2018.

14. Khurshied Ahmed Khan, Zhengnan Yan, Adnan Abbas, Dongxian He*. Impact factors influencing the nitrate accumulation of leafy vegetables in plant factory. Int. J. Hort. Sci. and Ornamental Plants. 2018.

15. Xin Zhang, Dongxian He*, Genhua Niu, Zhengnan Yan, Song Jinxiu. Effects of environment lighting on the growth, photosynthesis, and quality of hydroponic lettuce in a plant factory. Int. J. Agric & Biol. Eng., 2018.

16. Khurshied Ahmed Khan, Murtaza Hasan, Hafiz Umer Javed, Zhengnan Yan, Dongxian He*. Comparative proteomic study of lettuce leaf using multi-dimensional protein identification technology in response to light quality in plant factory. Asian J. Plant and Soil Sci. 2018.

17. 李沛玺,成杰陈宁杨延杰李大鹏闫征南*. 相同DLI下光照度与光照周期对不同南瓜品种幼苗质量的影响. 中国瓜菜, 2023.

18. 李志鑫,李松霖,成杰,杨延杰,闫征南*. 白蓝LED补光对温室甜瓜幼苗生长发育的影响. 山东农业科学, 2023.

19. 闫征南,王龙,谭能智,陈京良,陈裕嘉,杨延杰*. 冬春季节温室补光光强对番茄植株生长及果实品质的影响. 农业工程技术(温室园艺), 2022.

20. 闫征南,贺冬仙*,钮根花,周清,曲英华. 白红与红蓝LED光照环境对两种生菜生长、品质和能量利用效率的影响. 农业工程技术, 2020.

21. 贺冬仙*闫征南,宋金修,成永三. LED光照条件下低温弱光贮藏对辣椒种苗质量的影响. 中国蔬菜, 2017.






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