2019-08-26 21:22:17 来源:bet356体育官方网站 浏览数:0
姓 名: 冷翔鹏 性别: 男
出生年月: 1987 .03 籍贯: 山东威海
毕业院校: 南京农业大学 专业: 果树学
学 历: 研究生 学位: 博士/Ph.D
工作单位: bet356体育官方网站 职称: 副教授
联系方式: 15866857082 E-Mail: lengpeng2008@163.com
2015.10-2018.06 以色列农业研究组织Volcani中心,博士后
2010.09-2015.06 南京农业大学,果树学 农学博士
2006.09-2010.06 bet356体育网址手机版,果树学 农学学士
2018.07-2022.12,bet356体育网址手机版 讲师
2023.01-至今,bet356体育网址手机版 副教授
1 国家自然科学基金青年项目:葡萄香叶基香叶基焦磷酸合成酶调控单萜类香气物质合成的分子机理,24万元
2. 国家重点研发计划子课题:环渤海湾地区葡萄优质高效品种筛选及配套栽培技术,40万元
3. 山东省自然科学基金青年项目:葡萄单萜类香气成分的代谢调控研究,15万元
4. 山东省重点研发计划(乡村振兴科技创新提振行动计划)项目:葡萄智能化生产关键技术研发与应用示范,10万元
5. 青岛市科技惠民示范引导专项:优质早熟玫瑰香型葡萄新品种选育,15万元
6. 青岛市科技惠民示范引导专项:“阳光玫瑰”葡萄组培工厂化育苗技术体系建设及应用,18万元
7. bet356体育网址手机版高层次人才启动基金:葡萄香叶基香叶基焦磷酸合酶(GGPPS)调控单萜合成分子机理研究,50万元
1. Leng XP, Cong JM, Cheng LX, Wan HL, Liu YX, Yuan YB, Fang JG*. Identification of key gene networks controlling monoterpene biosynthesis during grape ripening by integrating transcriptome and metabolite profiling. Horticultural Plant Journal, doi.org/10.1016/j.hpj.2023.03.005.
2. Leng XP, Miao WJ, Li JZ, Liu YX, Zhao WW, Mu Q, Li Q*. Physicochemical characteristics and biological activities of grape polysaccharides collected from different cultivars. Food Research International, 2023, 163: 112161.
3. Wang PP, Yu AS, Ji XL, Mu Q, Haider MS, Wei RN, Leng XP*, Fang JG. Transcriptome and metabolite integrated analysis reveals that exogenous ethylene controls berry ripening processes in grapevine. Food Research International, 2022, 155: 111084.
4. Wang PP#, Wang ZK#, Guan L, Haider MS, Nasim M, Yuan YB, Liu GS, Leng XP*. Versatile physiological functions of the Nudix Hydrolase family in berry development and stress response in grapevine. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2022, 21(1): 91-112.
5. Wang PP, Ge MQ, Yu AS, Song W, Fang JG*, Leng XP*. Effects of ethylene on the berry ripening and anthocyanin accumulation of ‘Fujiminori’ grape in protected cultivation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2022, 102(3): 1124-1136.
6. Wei HR#, Wang PP#, Chen JQ, Li CJ, Wang YZ, Yuan YB, Fang JG, Leng XP*. Genome-wide identification and analysis of B-BOX gene family in grapevine reveal its potential functions in berry development. BMC Plant Biology, 2020, 20: 72.
7. Xiao HL#, Wang CP#, Khan N, Chen MX, Fu WH, Guan L*, Leng XP*. Genome-wide identification of the class III POD gene family and their expression profiling in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L). BMC Genomics, 2020, 21: 444.
8. Leng XP*#, Wei HR#, Xu XZ, Ghuge SA, Jia DJ, Liu GS, Wang YZ, Yuan YB*. Genome-wide identification and transcript analysis of TCP transcription factors in grapevine. BMC Genomics, 2019, 20: 786. (中科院二区,IF 3.501)
9. Zheng T#, Zhang SH#, Leng XP#, Sadeghnezhad E, Li T, Pervaiz T, Liu FQ, Jia HF*, Fang JG*. Profiling analysis of volatile and non-volatile compounds in Vitis Vinifera berries (cv. Chardonnay) and spontaneous bud mutation. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2021, 8: 715528.
10. 邹震, 于爱水, 任洪春, 战良, 刘更森, 冷翔鹏*, 房经贵*. 日光温室‘藤稔’葡萄更新修剪时期对其生长、产量和品质的影响. 园艺学报, 2021, 48(12): 2471-2480.